Lock-It Card Control
Protect Your Cards And Your Peace Of Mind
Can't find your card? Don't panic!
To report card fraud, call 877.487.6443. For a lost or stolen card call 833.933.1681.
Lock It Card Control™ is a powerful app that gives you control over your credit cards.
- You can temporarily lock your credit and debit cards to protect your accounts from fraud when you're not using them, and then quickly and easily unlock them when you want to use them.
- If you’re sure your card is lost or stolen, you can report the loss and reorder a new card, right from the app.
- You can manage your spending by setting a daily transaction limit so you won't accidentally go over your budget.
To take advantage of this security feature, log in to Online or Mobile Banking and click on Lock It Card Controls under Services.
The On Tap® Banking mobile app is available for Apple devices on the App Store or for Android devices on Google Play. (Opens in a new Window)
(Opens in a new Window)